The Verdict Is In: Every Fulfilled Couple Needs Relationship Self-Care

The Verdict Is In: Every Fulfilled Couple Needs Relationship Self-Care

What is self-care for a relationship, and why is self-care important? We often hear about taking care of ourselves while dating or in a long-term relationship with someone, which is undoubtedly very important. However, it’s also crucial for both partners to make a joint effort to give their relationship care. That is, for both partners to work together to take care of and nurture their relationship. 

So, how can you practice relationship self-care and foster a secure attachment with your significant other? You can develop a self-care plan using a combination of the points below, or simply keep these ideas in mind and apply them as you feel comfortable.

(While today, we’re diving into the topic of self-care for relationships, for information on personal self-care, you can find that here!)

relationship self-care

Spend time together

Simply enjoying one another’s company is one of the types of self-care that everyone can get on board with! After all, aside from long-distance relationships, it’s probably the easiest way that couples can have a better relationship.

Looking for exciting new ways to spend time together? Check out the Adventure Challenge Couple’s Edition!

Check-in on one another

One of the very best self-care ideas, for both your relationship and your partner, is to check in with each other to see how you’re doing. In addition to checking in day-to-day to see how they feel emotionally and how their day has gone, we also recommend monthly relationship check-ins to discuss bigger things and ensure you’re both on the same page as you proceed into the future.

Remember the little things

Sometimes, something as small as remembering a comment your significant other made in passing can be incredibly meaningful to them. This can be anything from planning your next date to a place they mentioned a while back to playing their favourite song while you’re out for a drive. Even remembering when they said they didn’t like a particular food, so you make sure not to get it when ordering in next!

relationship self-care

Foster open communication

You should always be working towards having better conversations with each other. Encouraging open communication and talking to your partner about your needs as they evolve is essential to keeping your relationship strong. If you’re feeling like learning more about each other (and why wouldn’t you?), consider asking each other some deep questions.

Find the ideal balance of sex

A major aspect of relationship self-care is sex (yes, even after you have kids). Be open to talking about sex with your partner to speak about your desires, fantasies, and discuss your kinks. Tell them if you want rough sex, slow sex, mindful sex. Tell them if you want to play sex games for couples or use sex toys. Just be open and honest!

Perform small acts of service 

One of our favourite self-care ideas for a relationship is acts of service shown to each other. This can be as simple as tidying up the house before they get home so that they don’t have to worry about it or picking up their dry cleaning while you’re already out.

self-care plan

Respect each other’s boundaries 

There are essential relationship boundaries every person should have for themself in a relationship, as well as additional boundaries set, that your partner needs to always respect. Ignoring your significant other’s limits is a sign of disrespect and can only hurt a relationship’s forward growth.

Give one another space

Even in a well-balanced relationship, people need some space. Offering this when it’s needed is one of the types of self-care someone will appreciate, as it often gives a person breathing room and time to reflect on their mental health. Not worrying about your partner spending alone time when needed is also a sign that you have a secure attachment to them.

Encourage one another to grow

Another sure sign of a secure attachment to your significant other is your encouragement to take the time to grow, without fearing that this growth means that they will leave you. When both partners feel like they are flourishing and moving forward in the same direction, it’s actually a great way to maintain passion in a relationship.

With an abundance of relationship self-care tips now at your fingertips, developing a secure attachment, stronger bond, and overall healthier relationships with your significant other will be much easier. By making an effort to work together to give your partnership the types of self-care it needs (and perhaps even coming up with a self-care plan), feeling mutually fulfilled is that much more attainable.

What are some of your go-to self-care ideas for a relationship? Do you and your partner have a self-care plan to keep your bond strong? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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