13 Acts of Service to Remind Your Partner That You Love Them

13 Acts of Service to Remind Your Partner That You Love Them

Whether ‘acts of service’ is your primary love language or not, the truth is, most people enjoy these acts of kindness from their significant other. Offering grand or small gestures can help folks be a better partner and remind them that you love them.

Today, we’re here to show you that even the smallest gestures can leave a positive impact. While we’ve only listed thirteen ideas below, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The possibilities are endless!


Give them a call, just to say “I love you”

A friendly reminder can be a great way to connect with your partner! This also overlaps with another love language — words of affirmation. With one action, you’re touching on two expressions of love. What more can you ask for? 

acts of service

Do a chore they hate

Think about it this way: if your partner not only gave you one less responsibility for the day, but helped out with one that you particularly don’t enjoy doing, how would you feel? Pretty good!

Run an errand for them

It could be picking up the groceries, returning a purchase to the store, grabbing their dry cleaning, or anything in between. A half-hour out of your day can mean the world to them.

Leave them a love note

Whether it’s those three words alone or a letter delving into what it is you love about them, this small gesture can make someone’s entire week, let alone just their day! It’s free and easy to do, too.

Give them a back massage

This is an act of self-care that can make you feel good from the inside, out. This is true whether you learn how to properly massage them or follow their lead on what feels best.

Tell them to go do something they enjoy

Tell your partner to take a break from their responsibilities for the next few hours to do something they love. Actually, personal space is an essential relationship boundary, meaning that this should often be on the table!

Make them their favourite meal

This is an opportunity to go all out, from using fresh ingredients to plating and presenting the dish with flair. Who doesn’t love feeling like royalty right in the comfort of their own home?

Bring them breakfast in bed

We love this act of service because it allows people to begin their day knowing how much they are loved. Serve your partner breakfast before they even rise out of bed to set a positive, romantic tone for the day.

love language

Pay for a date they’ve wanted to do 

Has your significant other recently mentioned something they’d like to do together with you? Surprise them with a night out, bringing them to enjoy that exact activity (and maybe a few bonuses).

Buy a little something they’d love

It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture that costs a fortune. Next time you see something small that you think your partner would like, maybe something they might not be willing to spend the money on for themselves, pick it up for them!

acts of service

Wash and fold their laundry

Though a simple thing to do, this can be a relief after a long day. Now, they just have to grab their clothes the next time they need them, with no hassle.

Frame your favourite picture of you two

A small offering like this shows your significant other that you love them and cherish the time you’ve spent together. Now, you can both look back on these memories together!

Show up to their work with lunch

Instead of your partner having to run out of the office to grab lunch today, why not swing by their work to drop food off? It’s a small gesture that can go a long way!

Acts of service, acts of kindness, are a love language that nearly everyone resonates with in some way. As the significant other performing these actions, it helps to be a better partner and encourage personal growth, self-love, and self-care of the person you love. Arguably, it is one of the key foundations of a healthy relationship!

We hope that the 13 acts of service above are just a starting point for you, helping spark ideas that work for you and your partner. After all, every couple is different and each individual will appreciate unique things. 

Do you think showing your significant other acts of service and encouraging self-care helps you be a better partner? What acts of kindness would, personally, want to be shown by the person you love? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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