Why Period Sex Is the Best Thing You Can Try (and How to Do It)

Why Period Sex Is the Best Thing You Can Try (and How to Do It)

Period sex is just what it sounds like: having sex while on your period. It’s quite a common occurrence for many sexually active couples with one or more menstruating partners, and is something that can feel amazing and bring relief to the symptoms associated with periods. For some folks, sex for being intimate while a uterus owner is menstruating can actually be a source of arousal (their kink or fetish).

Curious about the benefits of period sex or wondering how to have sex during your period? Look no further — we’ve got you covered.

sex while on your period

Period sex offers cramp relief

It’s no surprise that sex feels good and that many people enjoy doing it, but did you also know that sex is good for you? It’s true!

During orgasm, hormones (oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins) are released, reducing or completely alleviating period-related pains. While an over-the-counter pain reliever can help, the strength of natural hormones released can be much more potent and faster-acting! This is true whether having sex with a partner or with yourself.

It releases the feel-good hormone

While fluctuating hormones can lead to mood swings, increased stress, and even feelings of lethargy, orgasms can help counter this. When endorphins are released during sex and sexual touching, the feel-good hormones act as natural mood enhancers for the body. They can also help you to feel stronger and more energetic, no doubt selling you on the incredible healing powers of sex!

Feed an increased sex drive

Folks with uteruses often feel a spike in their libido while on their period. While this can mean a desire for wild and even quick sex, it may also bring on the desire for slow, mindful sex. Just because a person has a particular sexual style when they’re not menstruating does not mean it stays the same during their period. Talking about sex with your partner is an excellent first step to determine what works best for everyone involved!

have sex during your period

You’ve got a natural lubricant

An interesting vagina fact: menstrual blood acts as a natural lubricant! Whether a penis, fingers, or a sex toy is inserted into the vagina, the chances are that less lube (or none at all) will be necessary to have pleasurable sex. Focusing entirely on the passion and thrills of sex is much easier with one less thing to think about in the process leading up to potential penetration.

You can shorten your menstruation time

Due to muscle contractions during orgasm, the uterine lining (which is shed during the period) may be expelled from the uterus more quickly. When this frequently happens — whether orgasms brought on by masturbation or during sex while on your period — the result can be a shorter period! While it’s not guaranteed, we think it’s totally worthwhile to try. After all, at least you’ll have some great orgasms by the end of it!

period sex

A handful of tips and tricks...

Ready to jump right in and have sex during your period? Here are a few things everyone should keep in mind:


So, have we sold you on the idea of sex while on your period? Regardless of your preferred level of intimacy during this time, remember that all participants must be consenting and that, if for whatever reason, you’re not yet completely sold on the idea, there are ways to build intimacy without sex. That is, for being intimate while menstruating, that does not necessarily involve penetration with a penis, fingers, or a sex toy.

Have you ever had period sex before? Do you enjoy having sex during your period or being intimate to any degree? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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