11 Interesting Facts About Intimacy and Sex

11 Interesting Facts About Intimacy and Sex

It likely won’t be surprising to read that there are tonnes of interesting facts about intimacy to be learned. With sex being such an essential aspect of so many people’s lives, everywhere around the world, it’s expected that a lot of research has been done to learn more about it. After all, who doesn’t want to know more about their favourite pastime?

Here are some of our favourite facts about making love, having sexual intercourse, starting a physical relationship… whatever you want to call it!

11 Interesting Facts About Intimacy and Sex

1. Sex is healthy for you 

Did you know that there are plenty of health benefits to sex? Sexual intercourse lowers blood pressure and risk of heart disease, improves your sleep schedule, and can increase your memory capabilities. With the benefits of sex being so evident, it’s difficult to deny ourselves the pleasures of it.

2. However, sex can also kill 

There are a shocking number of deaths associated with sex. One in 500,000 men suffer from sudden cardiovascular death during sexual activity, which can be attributed to a physical ailment. However, 500 to 1,000 deaths occur per year due to autoerotic asphyxiation, an intentionally induced asphyxia.

3. Your self-esteem gets a boost

In many ways, your self-esteem is tied to sexual intercourse and attraction to your partner. Having a physical relationship and knowing that they find you desirable causes an increase in sex-positivity and subconsciously encourages you to love your body as it is. 

4. Two words: Pain relief

11 Interesting Facts About Intimacy and Sex

Thanks to the release of endorphins during sex (and sexual touching), these hormones act as natural painkillers on the body. In addition to easing chronic pain, they can also help you to feel stronger and more energetic. Talk about the healing powers of sex!

5. Using lube ups your chance of orgasm

This sex fact is specifically related to orgasms on bodies with vaginas. Thanks to easing vaginal dryness and the possibility of tearing during sexual intercourse, Indiana University’s Center for Sexual Health found that both water- and silicone-based lubricants cause an increase in sexual pleasure and satisfaction amongst women.

6. Incorporating a sex toy can be fun

Of the interesting facts about intimacy that we’ve laid out, here’s one that can help boost your libido. When integrating a sex toy into your routine, hormone levels in both partners can increase at the thought (or show) of each other masturbating. As a result, there will be a heightened pleasure in the entire sexual experience.

11 Interesting Facts About Intimacy and Sex

7. Birth control can affect a woman’s taste in sexual partner

In a study published by the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, researchers discovered that women who are taking oral contraceptives as a form of birth control experience a shift in their preference towards men. That is, while on the Pill, it seems that there is an increased attraction to men with lower testosterone levels and less masculine physical aspects.

8. Semen is low in calories

This is one of the interesting facts about intimacy, but it’s also an intriguing penis fact. A single teaspoon of semen contains just five to seven calories (and 500,000,000 sperm), making an orgasm on a body with a penis — whether incited through a hand job, blow job, or vaginal or anal sex — a snack that works with any diet.

9. It’s a solid workout

Perhaps the best workout out there, turning your romance into a physical relationship can burn about five calories per minute. This means that a quickie will burn about the same amount of calories as you would during a 30-minute jog.

10. Being in love makes a difference

Curious to learn more facts about making love? Well, there’s a reason it goes by that name! Being in love with your sexual partner can lead to more mindful sex, which in turn, typically makes for a better relationship. Thus, there’s also a mutual increase in mental health, trust, and affection.

11. With age, intimacy > orgasms

11 Interesting Facts About Intimacy and Sex

Thanks to altered hormones that can affect our sexual desire and ability to have a physical relationship as we age, the goals of sex begin to shift. Instead of reaching climax through the ‘traditional’ methods, the focus shifts to being more centred on touch and intimacy. Knowing that this is one of the facts about making love, you may want to make it ‘official’ with your partner as you get older, instead of sleeping with someone new.

Whatever name you have for the act of sexual intercourse (and the development of a physical relationship), these sex facts are sure to open your eyes. While the act itself is fun and something many people enjoy, it’s also interesting to learn about the other benefits — and occasional downfalls — of this innately human activity.

Which of these sex facts were most surprising to you? What are some other interesting facts about intimacy that you’ve learned over the years? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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