This Is How You Can Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

This Is How You Can Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Getting pregnant is something that plenty of couples wonder about preconception, with many struggling while trying to conceive. There are a wide variety of things that folks can do to increase their chances of getting pregnant, but, sometimes, it takes more than a quick Google search of “how to get pregnant fast and easy.“ 

That said, if getting pregnant is something on the forefront of your and your partner’s minds, we’ve got a handful of things you can both do during preconception to, hopefully, make you more likely to conceive.

Don’t stress about it

Stress and infertility are correlated, as stress can cause irregular sleep patterns, emotional eating, giving in to unhealthy habits (such as smoking, drug use, and excessive alcohol consumption — more on that below), and a loss of interest in sex

Remember: if you’re stressing about getting pregnant to help you have a better relationship, consider going to couples therapy first.

how to get pregnant fast and easy

Be as healthy as you can

According to Harvard University studies, individuals trying to conceive naturally should be ingesting a healthy diet rich in folic acid, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids. Trans fat and unhealthy diets, such as those consisting of red and processed meat, sweets, and potatoes, negatively affect conception.

That said, it’s also important to eat regular meals, fibre, and protein sources like vegetables, beans, lentils, and nuts.

Consider ditching some of your unhealthy habits

Unhealthy habits such as excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and taking drugs (including marijuana) can impede a person’s ability to conceive or impregnate. It’s also recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding folks don’t put these substances in their bodies for the child’s well-being and development. 

Thus, if pregnancy is on your mind, it’s time to start curbing your habits.

Take proper prenatal vitamins 

increase chances of getting pregnant

Now that you’re no longer considering your birth control options, it’s time to switch to figuring out the prenatal vitamins you’ll need to take! Folic acid is perhaps the most common, as it helps prevent congenital disabilities like spina bifida, neural tube defects (NTDs), cleft lip and palate, and heart defects. Iron, calcium, vitamin D, DHA, and iodine are crucial to a fetus’ development in the womb. 

Track your ovulation cycle

While there isn’t a guaranteed way to get pregnant fast and easy, being aware of your ovulation cycle is a vital step. You’re most fertile when ovulating, typically twelve to fourteen days before your next menstruation cycle begins. Thus, folks should aim to try conceiving during this three- to six-day window of time.

Have sex regularly

While having sex every single day will not guarantee conception, it can help. For folks who can’t manage daily intercourse, aim for every second day, especially during ovulation, to increase the chances of pregnancy. We recommend striving for mindful sex whenever possible, as it helps de-stress and focus on the here and now with your partner.

Make gravity your friend

While there aren’t any sex positions that are necessarily better than others for getting pregnant, it’s advisable to remember that gravity can impede semen’s (and thus, sperm) travel when you are in gravity-defying positions such as intercourse while sitting or standing.

Bear in mind that you shouldn’t be douching in general (vaginas are naturally self-cleaning), but doing so after sex will often prevent conception from occurring.

trying to conceive

Avoid certain lubricants

Did you know that the lube you’re using might be damaging the sperm? Next time you’re using lubricant during sex, ensure that it’s fertility-friendly; the product label should clearly state this. If you don’t already own this type of lube, we highly recommend switching while trying to conceive.

Seek out a fertility specialist

Getting pregnant will not always come easily, naturally. After conducting all the health checks for folks with vaginas and health checks for people with penises, you may want to reach out to a fertility specialist to do further testing. Sometimes, it can be a simple solution, and they can guide you in the right direction! However, if things are more complicated, they can also assist in providing alternative options for you.

While getting pregnant isn’t always immediate — and there’s no sure-fire method on how to get pregnant fast and easy — there are things that couples can do during preconception to increase their chances of getting pregnant. If you are considering beginning trying to conceive, or are having some difficulties, we hope that these suggestions can help. However, if our non-medical recommendations do not, we highly recommend visiting a fertility specialist for medical advice.

Once you do conceive, don’t forget that sex during pregnancy can safely continue!

Do you have any additional tips for folks trying to conceive? What are your tried-and-true tricks to increase your chances of getting pregnant? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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