9 Essential Health Checks for Folks With a Penis

9 Essential Health Checks for Folks With a Penis

Regardless of your sex or gender, monitoring your health is crucial. While visiting the doctor is a great way to get a diagnosis and start treatment for an ailment, the first step is to recognize the signs our bodies give us, often an indication that something is amiss. This is why testing your health with self-checks is so important; not only is it simple to do, but it can help you live your best life and catch issues before they become too dangerous.

Curious about how to track your health in the comfort of your own home? Here are nine essential health checks that everyone with a penis should be doing.

Pay attention to your mental health

Thankfully, the world has become more aware of the importance of taking care of mental health. That said, you must be mindful of the trends of your moods and seek help from a professional (like a registered therapist or doctor) if it becomes a concern.

test your health at home

Take note of your heart rate 

Be aware of your heart rate by checking for abnormalities in your pulse (by placing your finger to the main artery in your neck). The normal resting heart rate of an adult ranges from sixty to one hundred beats per minute.

One of the health benefits of sex is that it helps keep you fit and in shape, which your heart loves!

Measure your belly fat monthly

Curious about how to track your health at home? Monitoring your belly’s circumference with a tape measure is an easy way to keep track of your body fat. Higher body mass index (BMI) can lead to higher blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke and heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoarthritis, among other things.

how to track your health

Check for gum disease and oral cancers

Several things can be a red flag in your mouth. From bleeding gums (a sign of gum disease), lumps that could indicate cancer, and sores from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), oral health is not something to be ignored. That said, you can avoid contracting STIs in your mouth by using protection (like condoms and dental dams). 

Feel your breasts for lumps

While folks with penises do not go for mammogram screenings, they can still get breast cancer. Thus, it becomes essential for them to perform health checks on themselves, feeling the breasts for lumps or tenderness that was not previously there. If anything is concerning, visit your family doctor to get scheduled for a mammogram.

Self-examine your testicles monthly

After fifteen, a person should be examining their testicles monthly for anything that doesn’t seem right. If you have a regular sexual partner, ask them if they can inform you of anything they notice during blowjobs or handjobs.

On that note: do you want an interesting penis fact? Circumcision reduces the risk of developing certain sexually transmitted diseases (STIs).

Get screened for prostate cancer 

People with prostates should be tested every two to four years after the age of 51, as long as the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in their last test was between one to three nanograms per millilitre. However, if it was lower, test more frequently. 

There are several indications you should get checked early, one of which being a change in ejaculation. Achieving orgasm in folks with penises is still possible when they have prostate cancer, but often, little or no semen comes out.

visit the doctor

Be aware when your body feels ‘off’

While we’ve outlined many of the main things that someone with a penis should be aware of, you should monitor your health beyond just these tips. Be aware of any changes in your body, whether it’s experiencing new pain or soreness, discomfort, or recognizing a visual change in your body (colouration, lumps, bruising, etc.) and see a doctor if necessary.

Go for your annual check-up

While you can test your health at home, you should still visit the doctor once a year. This will help ensure that everything is okay, even when nothing appears ‘off.’ Your doctor will perform necessary tests, including for issues that you may not be able to check for in the comfort of your home.


Now that you know how to track your health and what to look for, you can quickly and easily perform these health checks. When noticing anything out of the ordinary, a visit to the doctor will either ease your concerns or, should you be correct in your findings, initiate a treatment plan to get you back on the road to health.

The first step, though, begins with you. After all, it’s you who best knows your own body!

How do you monitor your health to ensure that you are on top of everything? What do you think are the best ways to test your health at home? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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