Why You Should Build Your Confidence (and How to Do It Right)
Let’s talk about what it takes to elevate your self-assurance in a way that feels authentic, fun, and not at all scary.
Introducing Between Our Thighs Magazine: A Fresh Take on Sexual Wellness
This debut issue is all about sexual spring cleaning: let go of outdated habits, reimagine your pleasure, and ditch the bedroom boredom that’s overstayed its welcome.
Why Dating Someone Who Goes to Therapy Is the Ultimate Relationship Upgrade
Why does therapy make someone a better partner? Let’s dive into what makes this self-improvement journey a major relationship win.
Finding God Between Our Thighs Through Sex Magick
What if pleasure was actually a way to experience God—not far outside of ourselves, but deeply within us?
How Advertisements Shape Men and Women’s Body Image Perceptions
Beneath the glossy veneer of these ads lies a more complex reality: they wield incredible power to shape people’s body image perceptions.
Exploring Your Desires: A Journey to Self-Discovery and Deeper Connection
Exploring your desires is a deeply personal and transformative experience, one that can lead to a more authentic connection with yourself and your partner.
Signs You’re Ready to Breakup: Knowing When It’s Time to Let Go
If you’re feeling stuck in your relationship, these signs may help you understand whether it’s time to let go and move forward.
It’s Time to Close the Orgasm Gap with Men
It’s time to speak up and ask for what you need in bed. Guest contributor Paulette Stout is here to explain exactly how you can achieve that.
Getting Turned on (The Easy Way) Without a Sex Partner
For all of you who have ever asked yourself the elusive question of “what turns me on?”, we’ve got the answers for you. Well, at least a good number of them (wink, wink).
34 Insightful Journaling Prompts for a Thriving Long-Term Relationship
Journaling is an amazing way to look within and work through both the good and bad in your life. Here are 36 prompts to have the best long-term relationship possible!