How Making Your Partner a Priority Is Critical for a Healthy Relationship

How Making Your Partner a Priority Is Critical for a Healthy Relationship

In order to prioritize your relationship (and give it some self-care), one of your primary relationship priorities needs to be your partner. This doesn’t mean viewing them as more important than you or their needs and feelings as being above yours; it means considering them and making them feel valuable to you. Healthy relationships, balanced partnerships, are key to your future success as a couple.

Looking to see how prioritizing relationships can be accomplished? Here are some of our favourite tips, below.

prioritizing relationships

Make one-on-one time

In a priority relationship, a couple will make a continuous effort to spend time with each other, whether at home or out and about. This includes seducing your long-term partner in ways that are not just sexual — with quality time and good conversation! A bit of effort goes a long way. 

Give them your undivided attention

In healthy relationships, couples make time for each other without constantly diverting their attention to their phones, the television, after-hour work emails, and other distractions. If you regularly don’t make someone a priority, it’s easy to feel like you aren’t an essential part of their life. 

Show them affection

When it comes to affection, there are so many ways for making your partner a priority. A kiss on the forehead while making dinner together, a hug and kiss when you come home from work, or making time for sex. That said, don’t be afraid to talk about sex with your partner or engage in more frequent mindful sex.

Start new conversations

In a priority relationship, open communication is key. Learn to have better conversations with each other by exploring new subjects, whether casual or more complex in nature. Anything from your favourite dog breeds to the nature of the universe is a good topic of conversation that can help you learn more about each other!

prioritizing relationships

Ask them questions

Prioritizing relationships can be much easier when you start asking one another questions. In addition to the many deep questions to ask your significant other to learn more about their desires and goals in life, you can also ask them about the little things. Considering their opinions can go a long way in making someone feel validated.

Support their goals

Is making your partner a priority vital to you? It’s time to support their goals and ambitions. By showing interest in your significant other’s plans for the future, you can better understand who they are as a person and what they are looking forward to. This is also one of our favourite ways to build intimacy without sex and have a better relationship.

Listen to their concerns

In any relationship, concerns will arise. It’s likely not a sign that your relationship is falling apart, so don’t get your guard up. In a priority relationship, couples can openly talk to their partner about their needs, whether it’s divvying up house chores or helping each other deal with in-laws.

Remember the little things

One of your relationship priorities should be making your partner feel heard. Remembering the things they tell you, regardless of how ‘small’ you think it might be, shows that you genuinely care about what they have to say.

making your partner a priority

Notice them

One of your top relationship priorities should always be to notice your partner’s presence. From acknowledging them when they walk into the room to pointing out the little things about them — a new haircut or new shirt they got — a little effort can mean the world.

Show them you appreciate them 

Prioritizing relationships means showing your significant other that you care for and appreciate them. Whether through small acts of service, giving them opportunities for self-love and self-care, or planning unique date ideas to enjoy with them, actions speak louder than words.

Work to resolve conflict

We all have differing opinions at times, and that’s why one of the top priorities in a relationship — in healthy relationships — should be learning how to resolve conflict properly. Doing so in a mature way can make a huge difference in a successful partnership.

One of the primary qualities of a healthy relationship is prioritizing your significant other. Thus, making your partner a priority in your life, in terms of maintaining a priority relationship, becomes almost non-negotiable for folks who want to keep their passion and love alive. So, before your significant other feels that they have to ask you, “make me a priority,” do what you can to make them feel important. 

What are some of your go-to ways for making your partner a priority? What do you feel are the main priorities in a healthy relationship? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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