Want a Passionate, Happy Relationship? Time to Start Up Relationship Meetings

Want a Passionate, Happy Relationship? Time to Start Up Relationship Meetings

To foster happy and healthy relationships, both people must be fully invested in open communication with one another. While there are daily questions for couples to ask each other — How was your day? Is something bothering you? Do you want me to treat you by ordering in food for dinner tonight? — monthly relationship meetings can help set goals and ensure that you and your significant other are consistently on the same path.

It can be easy for communication in a relationship to falter, which can, in turn, cause issues such as no sex drive, absence of emotional intimacy, or a lack of balance in the relationship. Whether this will be your first of many monthly relationship meetings or your thousandth, here are some questions you can ask one another to get to know each other better, strengthen your bond, and move forward while on the same page.

Here are a handful of our favourite topics to touch on during these check-ins.

relationship meetings

How has your mental health been over the last month?

It doesn’t matter if you’re going to therapy (including couples therapy) or not; mental health and love are often deeply intertwined. Consequently, it’s essential to check in with your partner and see how they’ve been feeling mentally and emotionally over the last while. Just because they were okay during your previous check-in, does not mean that they’re feeling the same way this month.

In what ways have I been a good support to you lately?

If you’re looking for more ways to have a healthy relationship, do your best to be a solid support. 

By being clear on what you need at the moment to feel sustained and encouraged, and understanding what it is that your partner needs, you can strengthen your relationship. This might be anything from acts of service to a bit of alone time!

Are there any ways I could have supported you better?

Sometimes, we try to do our best, but our words or actions are not what our significant other needs at the moment. Talking to your partner about your needs opens up the conversation to help you both become better at helping each other through difficult or concerning times. 

relationship check-in

Is there anything important that’s been on your mind?

We can’t stress enough how important communication in a relationship is! During your monthly relationship check-in, feel free to bring up anything from exercising more together and eating healthier to discussing getting pregnant or moving in together. This is the time to get the big stuff on the table in a safe space.

Do you think our sex life was satisfying last month? 

The fact is, sex is a significant factor for many couples and one of their primary relationship goals. To maintain passion in a relationship, be open and honest about your level of sexual satisfaction, perhaps even discussing the best places to have sex together or things you might want to try out in the next month. 

relationship meetings

Can we improve our mutual sense of love and romance this month?

Maybe it’s dedicating more time to focus on one another’s love languages or determining new unique date ideas to spend more time together. Perhaps it’s increasing romance during intimacy, such as striving for mindful sex or actively engaging in slow sex to better learn about each other’s bodies.

What goals would you like to accomplish together next month?

Think of this as a monthly relationship checklist. What are some things you’d like to do together? What would you like to do individually to improve your relationship as a whole? For example, if it’s going on more dates, consider trying The Adventure Challenge to keep that excitement and flame of passion alive.

How do you get to know your partner better? While daily questions for couples are certainly a good place to start, in-depth monthly relationship meetings are the perfect opportunity for couples to work together to set relationship goals, raise their concerns, and talk about the emotions they have been experiencing throughout the previous weeks. Communication in a relationship is paramount to its success, so these check-ins are vital to your mutual happiness and success.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a hopeless romantic or a matter-of-fact type of person, communication will help you have a better relationship.

What are some of the relationship goals you set with your partner? Are there any daily questions for couples you would recommend to keep communication open between monthly check-ins? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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