36 Journaling Prompts for a Better Relationship

36 Journaling Prompts for a Better Relationship

Guided journaling (or just keeping a journal in general) is how countless people keep their thoughts in order, work through emotional reactions to both triumphs and struggles, relieve stress, and set goals. It’s also an amazing way to recall, in detail, important events in your life that changed you in some way. Regardless of your reasons for writing in your journal, we couldn’t be more encouraging to keep this up as a regular practice, whether it’s just to put your thoughts to paper or use journaling prompts as a starting point to work out certain things in your life.

Of course, applying all of these thought-provoking introspections is essential when in a long-term relationship, regardless of how long you have been with your partner. To make this form of daily therapy towards self-discovery with your significant other easier for you, we’ve laid out thirty-six journaling prompts that you can start using today, sorted by topic.

journaling prompts

On deepening your emotional bond

1. What are my favourite things about my partner?

2. How did I feel the moment I realized I was in love with my significant other?

3. What are ways I can have better conversations with my partner?

4. Does my partner truly know that I love them?

5. What is my love language (and what is my partner’s)? How can we capitalize on this knowledge?

6. What are some unique date ideas my partner and I can go on?

7. How can my partner and I develop a more sex-positive attitude?

8. In what ways has keeping a journal improved my romantic relationship?

On improving your sex life

9. How do I talk to my partner about sex?

10. Is there anything missing from our sex life?

11. In what ways can I seduce my long-term partner?

12. What is irresistible to me about my partner?

13. What are the things I find sexy about my partner?

14. Should we try to have more mindful sex?

15. Am I hoping to add more oral sex (fellatio or cunnilingus) or manual sex (handjobs or fingering) to our routine?

16. How would we benefit from incorporating sex toys?

17. Will sex get better between us as we age?

18. How can we reclaim our sex life after having kids?

19. Would we benefit from exploring new sexual territory?

guided journaling

On exploring new territory

20. Am I ready to lose my virginity?

21. How can my partner and I have sex while pregnant?

22. What could we do to step out of our ordinary sexual routine? How can it become more exciting?

23. How do I tell my partner that our sex is beginning to feel dull?

24. Do I have kinks or fetishes I want to explore? If I do, how do I talk to my partner about my kinks and fetishes?

25. Would my partner and I benefit from role-playing? If so, what role-play characters should we try out?

26. Would I want to have an open relationship?

27. Is attending an orgy something we could do together? How about hosting a play party?

self-discovery daily therapy

On acknowledging your concerns

28. How can I encourage both of our mental health to flourish throughout our relationship?

29. What is something my partner and I always argue about? Why is it a topic that has come up more than once?

30. Are there things I would change about my partner? If so, will they cause a problem in our relationship down the road?

31. How can I be a better partner to my significant other?

32. What are my non-negotiable personal boundaries?

33. Are we ready to move in together?

34. Will we survive a long-distance relationship? How long am I willing to be separated from them?

35. Would I be willing to commit myself to my partner forever?

36. If thinking about marriage, have we had all the important conversations before making this commitment? Like, all of the conversations?


By using journaling prompts to help you on your self-discovery journey (through guided journaling), you’ll find that this form of daily therapy is beneficial. Not only will they help strengthen the bond that you have with your significant other, but it can aid in exploring new territory while simultaneously working out problems and concerns that inevitably arise in any partnership.

Have you ever tried guided journaling your way to self-discovery? Is keeping a journal something you’d be interested in pursuing as a daily therapy of sorts? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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