34 Insightful Journaling Prompts for a Thriving Long-Term Relationship

Many people use guided journaling (or simply keeping a diary) to organize their thoughts, work through emotional reactions to both accomplishments and problems, relieve tension, and to set objectives. It’s also a fantastic approach to recall major events in your life that have influenced you in some way. A long-term relationship (and everything that comes with it) is just one of these major examples. Here at Between Our Thighs, we couldn’t be more encouraging to keep writing in your journal as a regular practice, whether it’s just to put your thoughts on paper or to utilize the journaling prompts below as a starting place to dive fully into this area of your life.

Of course, regardless of exactly how long you’ve been with your long-term partner, implementing all these thought-provoking introspections is vital when in a serious partnership. To make this type of daily therapy for self-discovery with your significant other easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of journaling questions, organized by topic, that you can start using right away.

What do you love about your relationship? 

1. What are my favourite things about my significant other?

2. In what ways do we respect each other by setting healthy relationship boundaries?

3. What are the things that we have in common?

4. Am I able to comfortably talk to my partner about my needs?

5. What do I love most about my significant other?

6. What are some of the unique date ideas we’ve done together that we can do again?

7. In what ways does my significant other bring out the best in me?

8. How am I able to consistently learn more about my partner?

9. Things are going so well between us — what important questions should I ask before considering marriage?

What are some areas of improvement you could focus on?

10. Do we healthily address our differing opinions?

11. Are we discussing all the things we should be?

12. How can I be less of a hopeless romantic and more unbiased in my perspectives?

13. How can we have better conversations with each other?

14. Do I feel that I can come to my partner with anything that’s on my mind (and they will be judgment-free)?

15. How can the two of us lead a more balanced relationship?

16. What is one thing I would change about my significant other, if I could?

17. What are the best ways for us to build intimacy without sex?

18. What are some essential relationship boundaries we still need to set with each other?

How can you continue bettering your relationship and enhancing your love?

19. Are there any introspections and self-reflection techniques I should be doing right now?

20. In what ways can we balance life and love harmoniously?

21. Are there more ways that I can make my significant other a priority in my life?

22. Are we taking into equal consideration both our mental health and love lives?

23. How can we add more excitement to our dating lives?

24. In what ways can we encourage more open communication with each other?

25. What are our respective attachment styles, and how can we foster a more secure attachment with one another?

26. What are our love languages, and how can we use that to better express our love?

In what ways can you improve your sex life?

27. How can we boost our libido and improve our sex life?

28. Is maintaining passion in our relationship still a priority?

29. Do we have a fulfilled sex life? If not, how can we improve this?

30. What are some new sex positions that we can try out together?

31. How can we make sex as exciting as it was when we first started to date?

32. Is finding time for sex after having kids difficult? In what ways can we overcome this?

33. Are we intentional with the time we intimately spend together (i.e., touching, exploring each other’s bodies, etc.)?

34. Are we both taking care of our sexual health to be the best we can physically be?


You’ll find that using these journaling prompts to aid you on your long-term relationship’s self-discovery journey (through guided journaling) is a beneficial form of daily therapy. They can help you not only deepen your relationship with your significant other, but also to help you explore new ground while working out problems and concerns that unavoidably come up between any couple.

Have you ever tried self-discovery through guided journaling? Is keeping a journal or diary something you would consider doing as a form of daily therapy? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.


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