Can I Live a Better, Balanced Lifestyle?: Juggling the Personal and Romantic

Can I Live a Better, Balanced Lifestyle?: Juggling the Personal and Romantic

Is finding a balance in life possible when one is juggling a healthy romantic relationship, their work life, the desire for hanging out with friends, and spending time with family? The short answer is: yes!

However, we’re aware that this is easier said than done and that while you may recognize the importance of a balanced life, you may not necessarily know exactly how to master it just yet. Today, we’re here to help you. Here are our go-to methods for finding the perfect sense of harmony between the romantic life many desire and the other areas of life that are of equally significant value to our well-being.

balanced life

Romantic relationship and your work life

While working may not necessarily be top on your list for your emotional or physical well-being, chances are, it’s needed for your financial well-being. Because of this, living a balanced life with both a fulfilling romantic relationship and a steady job can be extremely important. For some folks, this means a mutual understanding (and perhaps even an essential relationship boundary) that work hours may get extended or shifted around.

If this has to happen for either significant other, be conscious that it is not about failing to make your partner a priority, but rather, you are adjusting to your life based on current needs. Sometimes, that leans more towards work; other times, the importance undeniably leans towards your significant other. When these issues arise, talk about them with your partner.

That said, if you happen to be dating a co-worker, open communication is even more vital to ensure that you are both able to perform your jobs’ duties to the best of your abilities, without letting your relationship get in the way of that.

balanced life

Romantic relationship and hanging out with friends

In our humble opinion, a balanced lifestyle also includes the comforts and pleasures of genuine friendship. Of course, once you’ve made it ‘official’ with a partner (and maybe even before that), you might want to incorporate your significant other into your friend group. This can mean group hangouts and enjoying one another’s company together. However, sometimes, it’s nice to see your friends solo, whether to speak to them privately about something concerning either you or them or just because you want that alone time!

Establish and set healthy relationship boundaries with your partner when it comes to spending time with these important people. Let them know that they are a non-negotiable presence in your life, and because of this, it’s necessary to foster the relationship by spending time together. If your significant other does not respect that every once in a while, you like to hang out with your friends one-on-one (or worse, that they do not allow you to reach out to your friends at all), this is a major red flag.

Romantic relationship and spending time with family

balanced life

Similar to the point above, family bonds can be a critical component of many people’s lives. As a result, even when in a romantic relationship with someone, one’s relationship with their family should still be maintained (if the person wishes to, of course). A major relationship green flag? When a romantic partner encourages a healthy bond with their significant other’s family!

It’s nice to have your partner integrated into the family, if that’s something that interests you, and to enjoy time spent together as a group. This is especially the case once you have moved in together. However, as with friends, sometimes there may be situations where families may want to spend one-on-one time with one another, and that’s okay, too.

As we noted above, when a partner repeatedly refuses to let you see family members alone, this is one of the signs you’re in an abusive relationship. Often, abusive partners try to keep their significant other away from the people who care about them most and are more likely to notice the indications of abuse.

A balanced relationship is a better relationship. Are you ready to start living a life of balance?

We that now it’s clearer that enjoying time in all areas of your life — romantic relationships, work, the desire to hang out with friends, and to spend time with family — are all possible. Each of these can bring joy and greater fulfilment to a person’s life and, thus, should not be swept aside. You do not have to give up any single one of these things at the expense of another.

Is it possible to live a truly balanced life? How do you balance your work life, hanging out with friends, spending time with family, and having a romantic relationship? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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