When All Your Friends Are in Relationships, It’s OK to Be Single
Are all your friends coupled off, but you're still single? Emily is here to tell you why it's actually not a problem to be the only single friend!
36 Journaling Prompts for a Better Relationship
Looking for a form of daily therapy for self-discovery with your significant other? Here are 36 journaling prompts you can start using today, sorted by topic.
Basic Relationship Boundaries You Need to Set
Setting boundaries is critical for any relationship. That's why it's important to make them clear from the beginning of a romantic partnership. Here are the most essential to keep in mind.
How to Talk About Sex With Your Partner
Intimate conversations are ones that, once initiated, can open a whole new world of possibilities for both partners to capitalize on. In fact, they can help you to have a better relationship!
7 Signs You’re in an Abusive Relationship
The signs of partner abuse are not always obvious, especially when you are facing it first-hand. Today, we’re talking about seven indicators of an abusive relationship.
Better Sex as You Age: Are the Claims True?
Are the claims true, that sex gets better as we age? The verdict is out and we’re here to tell you why it’s totally true!
How to Have Better Conversations With Your Partner
If you’re looking to have a better relationship through improved communication skills, here are our tried and true methods for having better conversations with your partner.
How to Leave an Abusive Relationship and Seek Help
Domestic violence and abuse can come in many forms, revealing itself both as physical and emotionally abusive relationships. Unsure of how to leave an abusive relationship? We hope that today’s article can help.
Keeping the Spark Alive: Maintaining Passion in Your Relationship
To help you keep the spark alive, we’ve outlined eight of our favourite tips and tricks for maintaining passion for a long-lasting relationship.
I’ll Always Be a Hopeless Romantic… and This Is Why
From falling in love (and the feeling of being in love), having that sense of commitment, and the security of a long-term relationship, contributor Emily Fata talks about why she'll always be a hopeless romantic.