How Being Supportive of Your Partner’s Personal Growth Can Strengthen a Relationship

How Being Supportive of Your Partner’s Personal Growth Can Strengthen a Relationship

Are you in an emotional relationship where both you and your partner are experiencing personal growth opportunities? Trick question — as human beings, we’re always growing and evolving into newer (even better) versions of ourselves. In situations like these, being supportive of your significant other as they explore new activities, prospects, and interpretations of themself is critical both for their journey and for the maintenance and success of your relationship itself.

While saying to your partner, “I love and support you,” is a great starting point, it can’t be where your words and actions end. Today, we’re diving into different ways to apply some relationship self-care as you and your significant other evolve.

supportive partner

Encourage personal growth from the get-go

A supportive partner is always open to their significant other’s upwards growth and should be mutually encouraged by one another from the beginning of any relationship. It doesn’t matter if it’s a means of supporting mental illness and love through therapy, taking an interest in new hobbies and activities, or even expanding one’s education and training; forward movement is a positive thing.

Take notice of what interests them

Making your partner a priority doesn’t have to be a trade-off for your interests, nor at the expense of your well-being. It is something as simple as taking note of their hobbies and favourite activities and engaging with those that pique your interest. For example, does your significant other enjoy playing sports or even board games? Find one that you also like and offer to make time to play together every once in a while.

Show you’re a supportive partner through your actions 

Emotional support comes in different forms — sometimes it’s reassuring words, and other times it’s through your actions. Consider the various acts of service you can do for your significant other to encourage their personal growth and strengthen your relationship in the process: signing up for a fun class to learn something together, buying them a book about a topic that they’ve shown interest in, or take on an extra chore this week to free up time for them to do something that they love.

supportive partner

Offer emotional support

Folks in romantic relationships tend to be in an emotional relationship, as you foster and grow an emotional connection with the person you love. Being supportive is an integral component of this. When situations become overwhelming, even while on the path towards a ‘greater good,’ it can mean the world to someone to have their feelings validated and a partner to avoid over-criticism.

Tell them that you appreciate them 

As a supportive partner, letting your significant other know how much you appreciate them can make a substantial impact on their feelings of self-love and even their self-worth. In addition to bringing up these appreciative remarks when you feel them pop up, you can also remind your partner how you appreciate them during your monthly relationship check-ins.

personal growth

Explore new ways to grow together and separately

Please remember that you don’t need to do everything with your partner; sometimes, alone time and enjoying your journey of growth (to some degree) on your own is very beneficial. In fact, for some, this independent exploration might be an essential relationship boundary

So long as you’re moving in the same direction, growing in the same direction, separately — while still supporting each other — can be so rewarding.

Ask how to be more supportive

While reassurance that, “Yes, I will support you” is much appreciated, a significant relationship green flag is when a person asks their partner what more they can do to support them. After all, each person is unique and, thus, feels reassured and encouraged in different ways. When your partner gets clear on how they feel that support, you can help give them the reinforcement they need.

Being emotionally supportive of your significant other’s personal growth is critical to every romantic relationship. Companionship support for everything from exploring new job opportunities to validating and looking out for one another’s mental health is impactful, so be conscious of the words you choose to use and that this sense of love and encouragement is reflected in your actions, as well.

Remember that it’s not about putting your partner’s needs above your own, nor is it about disregarding how you feel in a given moment, but about lifting up the person you love to be the best version of themself. When you are both the best versions of yourselves, you can maintain the best possible relationship together.

How do you show emotional support to a partner during their times of personal growth? Do you think being supportive of your significant other is critical, regardless of if you consider your partnership an ‘emotional relationship’ or not? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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