Fetish Friday: Leather

Fetish Friday: Leather

A fetish defines the object of one’s sexual fantasies (a living being or inanimate objects), while kinks are the ‘non-conventional’ practices a person takes part in or fantasizes about. When looking at either of these definitions, both are typically considered to diverge from mainstream societal norms.

Thankfully, recent years have seen the world become progressively sex-positive. As a result, many fetishes and kinks are considered more ‘acceptable.’ Still, not every fetish (or fetishes) that a person has is understood by the general population. This is partly due to diverse subcultures that can branch from a single fetish or kink. It can leave outsiders uncertain of what it entails.

Today, we’ve decided to speak about leather kinks (specifically relating to the subculture within the BDSM community) to help remove any misperceptions and uncertainties. We hope that it will give you a better idea of what it’s like to experience this kink, as well as what someone who takes part in it might be into.


leather subculture

What is a leather fetish?

A leather fetish is an erotic subculture within the BDSM community that can range on a scale from more ‘vanilla’ to heavy usage (and more ‘committed’ to the look during the everyday). This fetish is also known as ‘altopedia,’ referencing a sexual attraction or arousal stirred by others wearing leather garments or wearing leather garments yourself. Keep in mind that for some, wearing leather may not be related to BDSM, but instead, used as a display of masculinity or a show of sexual power. 

Common misconceptions

Before jumping into learning the tricks of the trade, it’s essential to recognize some common misconceptions that folx might have about leather fetishism. For one, just because someone is turned on by the erotic nature of a partner in leather or enjoys the ‘aesthetic’ of wearing leather, it doesn’t mean that they are sexually aroused by leather itself or necessarily have a leather fetish. That said, anyone can experience this arousal; it doesn’t have to be worn by any particular person or by a Dominant or submissive, to be classified as a fetish. 

How to talk about it with your partner

Before talking to your partner about your kinks and fetishes, get clear on how you see them fitting into your ideal situation — this way, you can be specific, direct, and answer any questions that they might have as openly and honestly as possible. Ask yourself if you envision your partner, yourself, or you both wearing leather or using leather items (for example, a whip), if you want to take on Dom and sub roles, if you have a role-playing fantasy, and any other thoughts that pop into your mind. 

leather subculture

Things to try

We love that there are so many erotic ways to enjoy leather that can work for a range of folx and their comfort levels. Consider buying a sexy new leather outfit or lingerie piece, experimenting with a leather flog or whip, or role-playing with a leash and collar.

Curious about some of our favourite products? Check out these:

Are there risks to consider?

While the act of wearing leather itself poses no threat, it’s crucial to have full consent from all parties involved when engaging in any sexual activity. For BDSM practises, we advise having a safeword in place before you jump into it.

In terms of sexual intercourse (or generally coming into physical contact with a person’s penis or vagina), consider the best ways for preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as your birth control options if pregnancy is a concern. 

leather subculture

How can I learn more?

Plenty of folks enjoy incorporating leather into their sex routines, so online forums are a great place to start. As well, many of the best sex blogs on the internet can offer up tonnes of brilliant ideas curated by people who enjoy this fetish first-hand. It’s worth your time to do a little digging and exploring online.

After reading this, we hope that you now have a deeper understanding of what it means to experience a leather kink, particularly as a subculture within the BDSM community. The next time the topic comes up in conversation, hopefully, you will feel encouraged to speak about it. Whether it’s learning more about the fetish from someone who practices it first-hand or educating someone who may be closed off to the idea, we feel that we have done our job to help make the world a more sexually inclusive place.

Is leather an erotic aspect of sex for you? Is this a subculture of the BDSM community that you find attractive? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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