Is There a Sex Doll for Everyone?
Sex dolls, once regarded as taboo, are now becoming increasingly popular to fulfill sexual and emotional needs.
Exploring Your Desires: A Journey to Self-Discovery and Deeper Connection
Exploring your desires is a deeply personal and transformative experience, one that can lead to a more authentic connection with yourself and your partner.
Talking Consent and Boundaries in Relationships With Sex Partners
How can one go about teaching healthy boundaries to adults that may not understand exactly what your sexual limits are? Today, we're diving into teaching healthy boundaries to adults, with guidance from a sex and relationship educator!
What’s it Like Having Sex After Divorce, As a Man?
What's it like, for men, having sex after divorce? Today, we have a guest post from contributor Sarrah Rose, a certified tantric sex, love, and relationship coach, to dive into this.
It’s Time to Close the Orgasm Gap with Men
It’s time to speak up and ask for what you need in bed. Guest contributor Paulette Stout is here to explain exactly how you can achieve that.
Getting Turned on (The Easy Way) Without a Sex Partner
For all of you who have ever asked yourself the elusive question of “what turns me on?”, we’ve got the answers for you. Well, at least a good number of them (wink, wink).
How Do I Know Which Birth Control Is Right for Me? (With Dallas Barnes of Reya Health)
Birth control is so commonly used, yet is somehow still a taboo topic. The fact is that it shouldn’t be. Today, Dallas Barnes of Reya Health sits down with us to open up the conversation and to help vulva owners decide which contraceptive is best for them.
Don’t Make Aftercare an Afterthought
Here is an anonymous contributor's opinion on why every sexual encounter should be followed by aftercare (and how you can start to integrate it into your sex life today).
3 Reasons to Explore the World of Audio Porn
Curious about how audio porn can benefit you? While there are plenty fo reasons you might be intrigued, there are our top three (that everyone can benefit from).
Beyond Monogamy: Discussing Untraditional Relationships with Sophie Pagès of LVRSNFRNDS
The definition of “traditional” monogamy may not be exactly what you think it is. It’s time to take a deeper look! Sophie Pagès of LVRSNFRNDS dives into the topic in this episode to talk about ethical non-monogamy, dating, and becoming the most authentic version of yourself.