Vaginal Gymnastics: The Revolutionary Practice Taking Women’s Health by Storm

If I told you that you could use the muscles of your vagina to twist an object inside you from one side to the other, would you believe me?

Okay, what if I said you could use those same muscles to physically stop a man from ejaculating—and then decide when he’s allowed to finish? And what if I told you that your vagina can perform hundreds of moves like these, and that they are ridiculously pleasurable for women? You’d probably think I’m crazy.

But here’s the thing—this is exactly what I’ve been teaching thousands of women around the world for years.

Welcome to the world of vaginal gymnastics. A modern take on the legend of ‘pompoir,’ this powerful method of pelvic floor control has roots in ancient practices allegedly used by women like Cleopatra and Diane de Poitiers to enchant some of the most influential men of their time.

And while making men weak at the knees is certainly a fun bonus (and hey, more power to you if that’s your goal!), vaginal gymnastics is about so much more. It’s about unlocking the kind of pleasure and orgasms you never thought possible.

Women who practice this art report experiencing G-spot orgasms they never knew they could have, A-spot orgasms (those delicious ones deep inside near the cervix), and a newfound love for penetration. Oh, and let’s not forget the cherry on top—a skyrocketing sex drive.

And here’s the best part: it doesn’t matter if you’re 25 or 85, if you’ve had kids or not, or if you’ve gone through menopause. This practice is for every woman.

So, if you’re ready to explore new realms of pleasure, reconnect with your divine feminine energy, or just have your lovers begging for more, this article is for you.

Let’s dive into the world of vaginal gymnastics—how it works, why it’s so powerful, and how you can start practicing today to become the ultimate sex goddess.

Milking, Whipping, Twisting! But… How?

Some of the exercises women learn when they start training with us include milking, squeezing, locking, whipping, twisting, and even…wringing.

But how does this all work? And how long does it take to master these skills? Let’s start with the muscles involved: the pelvic floor, specifically the levator ani.

The levator ani is a group of muscles surrounding the vaginal cavity, running in different directions. This unique anatomy allows for targeted exercises to develop specific regions of the muscle. This concept, called regional hypertrophy, applies here just as it does to other muscle groups.

For example, certain leg exercises target different areas of the quadriceps—Smith machine squats focus on the mid-quads, while leg extensions target the distal quads.

Similarly, vaginal gymnastics trains the different ‘regions’ of your vaginal muscles. These include:

  • Walls: Right, left, front, and back.

  • Levels of depth: The entrance (level 1), the middle (level 2, near the G-spot), and the deepest part (level 3, near the cervix).

This allows you to isolate and activate specific areas, and the sensations you discover from each are entirely different!

Let’s clear up a common misconception: squeezing is not the same as kegeling. Kegels are vertical contractions that lift the pelvic floor, shortening the vaginal canal. Squeezing, on the other hand, is a horizontal movement that presses the lateral walls together, narrowing the canal.

Vaginal gymnastics combines movements (like squeezing, contracting, and directing) across these different walls and levels. Add in variations like speed, rhythm, endurance, power, and mobility, and you have an endless repertoire of exercises to master.

Learning the Basics

Start small—like with any sport or skill, mastering the fundamentals is key. These basic exercises will help you identify and activate the regions of your vaginal muscles, gradually building strength, control, and sensitivity. Let’s break them down.

Workout #1: Contraction Variations

We’ll start with contractions, often referred to as kegels. These movements involve lifting the pelvic floor vertically by pulling your muscles inward and upward.

1. Standard Contraction (Kegel)
Description: Inhale through your nose. As you exhale, imagine trying to stop your pee midstream. This creates a lifting sensation inside, as if your muscles are ‘sucking in’ through a straw. Fully relax your muscles on the next inhale.
Reps: 3 sets of 10 repetitions, matching your breathing to each movement.

2. Eccentric Contractions
Description: Perform a standard contraction, but focus on slowly releasing your muscles, lowering them floor by floor like an elevator.
Reps: 3 sets of 10 repetitions, breathing naturally.

3. Long Contractions (Isometric Holds)
Description: Fully contract your muscles and hold at the top for 10–30 seconds, then release.
Reps: 10 long contractions, increasing hold time as you build endurance.

Workout #2: Learning to Squeeze

Now let’s explore squeezing, which works the horizontal axis of movement. This involves pressing your vaginal walls together from side to side, narrowing the canal.

1. Basic Squeeze
Description: Visualize gripping a marble at the vaginal entrance by flexing your lateral walls inward. Keep flexing until the walls press together, then release.
Reps: 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

2. Vertical Squeeze (Full Squeeze)
Description: Divide the vagina into three levels (entrance, middle, and deep). Squeeze each level individually, moving deeper with each flex.
Reps: 10 full squeezes, focusing on isolating each level.

3. Front and Back Wall Squeezes
Description: Flex the front (near the pubic bone) and back walls (near the tailbone) inward, one at a time.
Reps: 3 sets of 5 reps for each wall.

Where To Go From Here

With just this beginner’s routine, you’ll likely start noticing changes within a few weeks:

  • Increased arousal and pleasure during penetration.

  • Stronger, more satisfying orgasms.

  • A noticeable boost in confidence and sensuality.

  • Partners who are very, very happy.

Your journey into vaginal gymnastics has only just begun. Stick with it, and you’ll uncover abilities you never imagined—along with pleasure that will leave you in awe.


Remember, vaginal gymnastics isn’t just about sex or pleasing others—it’s about reconnecting with your body, owning your pleasure, and unlocking your full potential as a sensual, powerful being. These exercises take time and practice, but the results are worth every effort.

So be patient, have fun, and celebrate every little victory. With consistent practice, you’ll develop control and confidence that will spill over into every area of your life.

Wishing you strength, pleasure, and empowerment on your journey. Go get ‘em, goddess.

Bel Di Lorenzo

Bel Di Lorenzo is a women’s sexual health advocate and the author of the bestselling book, The Gohddess Method. Her science-based approach is designed to help women master “vaginal gymnastics”: pelvic floor muscle exercises that enhance female pleasure and amplify orgasms.

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