It’s True, Going Vegan Can Actually Boost Your Sex Drive and Energy Levels!

It’s True, Going Vegan Can Actually Boost Your Sex Drive and Energy Levels!

Vegans have better sex, it’s true. It’s an easy solution to boost your libido and improve your sex life.

Sure, there are claims that certain foods can serve as aphrodisiacs, but what if something as simple as a vegan diet could do the trick instead? No slimy oysters, no smelly sardines. We’re not even saying you have to adopt a raw food diet or dedicate yourself to fruitarianism. Veganism (or vegetarianism, if you can’t fully commit just yet) can lead to better sex and an overall healthier, happier lifestyle.

Curious about how being vegan can improve your sex life and help maintain passion in your relationship? Look no further.

vegans have better sex

You’ll be happier on a vegan diet

No, we don’t mean for ethical reasons, although that can be a factor to many! A vegan diet can elevate serotonin levels (the primary hormone stabilizing mood, the feelings of well-being, and overall happiness), leading to higher oxytocin levels (also known as the ‘love hormone’).

Another reason to feel happy? Folks with vaginas will have a lower chance of contracting urinary tract infections, thanks to vegetarian stool being less hospitable for E. coli bacteria. 

A vegan sex drive is much higher

If you’re wondering why you have no sex drive, it may be related to your current diet. By consuming animal-based products (including eggs and dairy), folks can unknowingly raise their blood pressure and cholesterol. As well, eating meat has been linked to causing cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and zoonotic diseases. With improved health, along with eating more foods with plenty of zinc and vitamin B, your libido will experience a natural boost.

You’ll smell and taste better

Another great way to have better sex is by feeling confident that you smell and taste better than a meat-eating sexual partner. A study on the effect of meat consumption on body odour attractiveness found that people on a plant-based diet had better smells emitted from their bodies than those who did not. Plus, many have claimed that a high-fruit diet produces semen that is sweeter and less acidic in flavour.

being vegan leads to better sex

Going vegan helps create higher natural lubrication

With many foods in a vegan diet being high in water content, the body can stay well-hydrated and create natural lubrication for the body. This makes for better sex as you age, during times when the body becomes less able to lubricate itself naturally. If you’re still having trouble, there are plenty of fantastic lubes to try, too.

A balanced diet helps spike energy levels

We love that a vegan diet often means no fast foods (due to very few vegan options at these restaurants), which in itself can help regulate weight loss and force us to eat healthier. However, it’s also important to note that meat takes longer to digest, increasing the chances of an upset stomach and making it less likely to have a good night’s sleep due to indigestion. 

Greater stamina in bed means longer sex sessions

Another reason why vegans have better sex is that they’re better able to take advantage of the health benefits of sex. That is, because meat proteins can cause a build-up of wastes such as uric and lactic acids in the muscles, removing these from your system can drastically help your body. With leaner muscle mass, vegans will enjoy more flexibility and agility — transferable to the bedroom.

better sex on a vegan diet

There will be improved blood flow in the body

Being vegan can encourage better blood flow both in folks with vaginas and penises. Unclogging your arteries with typically low-cholesterol foods helps eliminate fatty deposits caused by meat and dairy and kicks the cardiovascular system into a healthy flow. The result is improved blood flow to the genitals, upping your chances of arousal and increased sensations to the area, as well as increased erections for both clitorises and penises alike.

Being vegan gives you a healthy glow

Nourishing your body with food that will improve your health drastically is a practice of self-love and self-care. Along with regulating hormones for clearer and brighter skin, do you remember we mentioned the hydrating effects of a vegan diet, above? This also plays into keeping your skin plump, nourished, and wrinkle-free. Just one more reason to love your body as it is.

With the knowledge of how going vegan can improve your sex life and overall health, you can now consider the option of vegan sex in the future. With more vegan and vegetarian foods in your body, you’ll be happier, healthier, more energetic, and (wink, wink) tastier, too.

What more could you ask for? 

Would you consider going vegan to have better sex? If you are already on a vegan diet (but were not previously), would you agree that vegans have better sex? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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