Erotic Fiction: Getting Handy
This week’s erotic fiction finds a man brought to orgasmic relief with a mindblowing handjob from his favourite prostitute.
Erotic Fiction: Flick of the Tongue
This week’s erotic fiction describes an orgasmic encounter of cunnilingus with an expert partner.
Erotic Fiction: Pia’s Golden Shower
This week’s erotic fiction explores a sensual golden shower experienced by a young woman named Pia.
Erotic Fiction: A Full Mouth
This week’s erotic fiction describes a man getting a sensual blowjob from his girlfriend during their evening shower.
Erotic Fiction: I’ll Always Be Yours
This week’s erotic fiction describes mindful sex between a couple who are madly in love with each other.
Erotic Fiction: With Pointed Teeth
This week’s erotic fiction finds a woman courting death in a love affair with a vampire.
Erotic Fiction: The Baby Between Us
This week’s erotic fiction explores a couple’s sensual bedroom play, despite the large pregnant belly between them.
Erotic Fiction: Through the Peephole
This week’s erotic fiction finds a student spying on a young couple fooling around in their school library.
Erotic Fiction: Between Her Thighs
This week’s erotic fiction has us in the dimly lit bedroom of a young woman, whose vibrator is rumbling with life.
Erotic Fiction: Silicone Goddess
This week’s erotic fiction explores a steamy night with a stunning silicone woman in a sex doll brothel.